Another Day
by Timothy Lawton on Feb.15, 2010, under 2009, General, Poetry, Uncategorized
I’ll do it tomorrow another day
Some other time I hope I pray
But, time inevitably passes by it slips away
When my life finally comes to an end
How much time will I have allowed to be sent
to oblivion, the nether world, or uselessly spent?
Those who do are the ones who create
They know the clock is relentless that genius always knows the time is late
So, why do I always squander hours like minutes and years like days?
More On Stupidity
by Timothy Lawton on Feb.15, 2010, under 2009, General, Poetry
It’s difficult to understand stupidity
Especially when it’s seen with such lucidity
Knowledge doesn’t have to be elusive
But, idiocy is so powerfully intrusive
That it fails to ever leave me alone
This universal poisoner of the human race
Drowning us with wave after wave after wave
Encompassing us in the bars of its cage
It seems that for man wisdom is not coming with age
by Timothy Lawton on Apr.01, 2009, under 2009, Poetry
Sometimes I know no ordinary life
It is only a brief reprieve between catastrophe and disaster
A brief respite between terror and war
It’s not that I haven’t lived a charmed life of pleasure and ease
It’s not that I have suffered and struggled
No, it is only that I have taken my liesure to immerse myself in the history of mankind
And with my knowledge has come my understanding
With these stories I have crafted my world
I don’t only peer out to see my own life
But I am always dwarfed by the lives that have come before
By the gravity that was their existence
Triumph and horror, bonded and free
How many men has God made?
How many plans has God’s plan still got to tell?