Timothy Lawton


The Wicked Get Wet

by on Apr.27, 2009, under 2006, Poetry

I’m no Job
But I’m sick of watching the worst people getting everything
I’m no Job
But I’m so damn sick of watching assholes make out like kings
Intelligence counts for nothing and kindness makes one seem like a fool
All my efforts amount to nothing because repetition repeats and the world spirals cruel
I no better than to pray for the end
But I can’t stand watching the liars continue to lie and the whores continue to bend
I know better than to say Jesus has become just a name
But we now worship those who make the blind blinder and the lamest of the lame
Miracle materials make for malicious mystery
Where apocalypse construction will end the repeated repetition of mankind’s history
I’m no Job
But I’m sick of watching the worst people getting everything
I’m no Job
But I’m so damn sick of watching peasants walk around presenting themselves as kings
The rain falls on the wicked as well as the righteous
And I’m tired of watching the wicked get wet

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