The First Flowers Of Spring
by Timothy Lawton on Mar.28, 2010, under Gardening
I have had the first flowers at my new home come up. Crocuses. The first fruits of my efforts last fall. The daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips shouldn’t be too far behind. Outside I planted peas on the 18th of March only one day behind schedule. We’ll have to see how the unusually warm and wet weather affected them. In the green houses I have planted many different types of seeds. Coleus, peppers, srtawflowers and tomatoes to name a few. Next week will be more tomatoes and marigolds of all sorts. I’m going super heavy on the marigolds this year because the deer don’t seem to like them. Yet, I’m still going to work with the plants they have been eating as well.
August 25th, 2010 on 4:37 pm
August 25th, 2010 on 4:39 pm
I like my site!!!